Here is a Sudoku for your interest.
Pixel Puzzles
This is where you are given a grid of small squares with numbers at the end of each column and row. The aim of this puzzle is to form a picture by colouring in squares. Your clues are the numbers. If you have numbers 2 and 6 then you will know that in that row or column there will be a set of 2 coloured squares next to each other and a set of 6 coloured squares next to each other. each block or coloured squares has to be separated by at least one white square.
Have a go at the given example.
This is the paper version of the game of battleships where you have to find your oppents battleships and sink them by asking them coordinates. In the paper version you are given a grid of little squares with i number at the ends of the rows and columns and a table of segmented battleships to find. The numbers tell you how many squares in that row or column are parts of battleships. On the grid you will find a segment of battleships from a few ships. You need to fill in all the segments of all the battleships by deuction from the numbers . No two battleships are adjacent to each other vertically, horizontally and diagonally. And if there is a zero at an end of a row or column then you can cross all those squares out. remember to cross off the battleship from the table once you have sunk it.
Have a go at the given example.
Why not try a Sudoku